Anstey Hall Barns, Cambridge.

Anstey Hall Barns is a unique site set on the edge of Cambridge between Grantchester and Trumpington. It’s unique sense of place and History dating back to the 1700’s has given the Hall and Gardens a local, and regional importance. The project comprises the conservation and refurbishment of a group of historic barns and other agricultural buildings dating from the 18th Century, to provide eight luxury conversions with a further four new homes on the site.

Working closely with Hill Residential and David Miller Architects the proposals shown on the Landscape Master Plan illustrate a high quality, integrated scheme which is intended to respond to the quality and setting of proposed private and communal green space in relation to the built form reflecting the scale of the surrounding context.

The introduced trees and planting is intended to create wildlife corridors, these links combine with existing footpaths and amenities which help settle the scheme contextually. The landscape strategy underpins an approach that enhances the quality of the semi-rural character and the opportunities afforded to the local community. The landscape design utilises natural surfacing and where possible porous materials with native plant species, this is a fundamental aspect of the development and centres on an approach of retaining as much of the existing landscape and built form as possible. The proposals are to be integrated within the wider landscape by softening and connecting the edges of the development. The site’s landscape has been shaped by the concept of a ‘working landscape’ which provides the proposals with a strong sense of local identity.

Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
Ansty Hall Barns
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