Land West of Mead Park, North Devon
Liz Lake Associates were appointed by Cavanna Homes (South West) as expert witness on the Landscape and Visual Issues as a result of North Devon Destrict Council’s refusal of planning permission for up to 61 dwellings on the settlement edge of Bicklington, North Devon.
Whilst it was acknowledged that development on the appeal site would change its character, the impacts would be very localised, and when seen alongside an adjacent development to the north edge of the site, it would be bound by residential development on three sides making it a logical site for development.
The inspectors final conclusion on the appeal was that the development would offer no harm, either on its own, or cumulatively, which significantly or demonstrably outweights the benefits of the development when assessed against the Framework. The appeal was successful and the planning permission for the construction of up to 61 dwellings was granted.