Ipswich Northern Fringe, Suffolk
Liz Lake Associates worked alongside Mersea Homes and David Lock Architects to prepare the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) to feed into the wider Environmental Statement. The assessment was produced to support a hybrid planning application for a sustainable urban extension to the north of Ipswich of up to 815 dwellings.
The land at the northern edge of Ipswich, also known as the Northern Fringe, was identified as being capable of accomodating up to 3,500 dwellings alongside associated transport, open space, local facilities and community infrastrucutre. The application was part of the Phase 1 proposals and included a detailed application for the development of 80 homes, combined with an outline application for an additional 735 homes, a primary school, district centre and amenity space. The development also made provision for extensive green infrastructure comprising of parks and gardens, natural and semi-natural greenspace, green corridors, amenity green space, play spces, outdoor sports facilities, allotments, and community gardens and orchards.