Private Gardens, Park Street, Bristol.

Liz Lake Associates have designed a number of private rear gardens for buildings along the iconic Park Street in the heart of Bristol. These designs are dedicated to preserving and enriching the unique landscape character within the historic Park Street and Brandon Hill Conservation Area.

The schemes have been developed in close collaboration with the client, design team and arboriculturalists to create inclusive landscape experiences, tailored to the needs of the users of these offices and student accommodation, providing opportunities for seating, meeting and reflection.

The designs carefully considered the challenges of steep and sloping terrains, as well as existing material vernacular and vegetation, seeking to address the site’s inherent complexities, while enhancing its distinctive features. By incorporating a rich mix of site-sensitive materials and a vibrant planting palette, the designs aim to create intimate yet expansive experiences within the confines of the garden space.

Park Street Bristol
Park Street Bristol
Park Street Bristol
Park Street Bristol
Park Street Bristol
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01279 647044

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