Landscape Character Assessment, Thaxted
Liz Lake Associates were appointed by Thaxted Parish Council to undertake a Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) of the expansive rural landscape surrounding the historic town of Thaxted, Essex. With its strongly undeveloped character, considerable time-depth and far-reaching panoramic views, the landscape contributes strongly towards, and forms an intrinsic part of, the character, visual amenity and historic significance of Thaxted.
A combination of desktop study, fieldwork and stakeholder consultation was used to identify parcels of land within the study area with common characteristics. A range of landscape character and visual amenity criteria were identified and assessed, and key views into the village from the surrounding countryside were identified in order to evaluate the sensitivity and capacity of the landscape, parcel by parcel, to accomodate future residential development.
The results of this assessment form part of Thaxted Parish Council’s evidence base for compiling its Neighbourhood Development Plan. The study will assist the Parish Council in making informed decisions as to whether future residential developments can be appropriately absorbed into the landscape surrounding Thaxted, and, if so where, at what scale, and with what associated mitigation measures to ensure that no unacceptable effects on the landscape result and that it’s speciali qualities are maintained, and where possible enhanced.