Peterhouse Technology Park Progress

Peterhouse Technology Park Progress

On a recent site visit to review the progress on site at the Peterhouse Technology Park project for British Land, being built out by SDC contractors, it was good to see the external works being implemented alongside the intial planting of trees across the site.  We...
Revisiting Clare College – Early Establishment

Revisiting Clare College – Early Establishment

Revisiting a completed project after completion, especially when the space is in use, is a pleasurable part of the job. Whilst in Cambridge, Mat Hull decided to check in on the Clare College garden reinstatement following the construction teams leaving the Master’s...
Llanwern Phase 4C Planning Approval

Llanwern Phase 4C Planning Approval

We are pleased to hear that Llanwern, Phase 4C has recieved Reserved Matters Approval. The development parcel will provide 59 new homes, continuing the regeneration of Llanwern.  The development at Llanwern, Newport, South Wales, is a multi-phase scheme on the former...
Women in Property – Bristol

Women in Property – Bristol

We had a fantastic evening  Speed Networking with Women in Property South West. Liz Lake Associates provided sponsorship for the event and Jennifer Lin, Ella Fry and Ben Stonyer thoroughly enjoyed catching up with existing connections and making new ones. ...